Yathit mobile app is a free app available to download from iOS App Store and Android Play Store. Some of the features in the app require either subscribe from iOS/Android Store in your mobile directly for yourself or subscribea Site License for all users in your CRM.
Purchase Site license
You can subscribe “Site License” (also called Corporate License or Domain License) from Yathit and partners.
To activate license seat, simply login to your Sugar inside Yathit Mobile App. If your sugar domain has a subscription, a license will be provision automatically. You can verify your license on the Sugar Settings page (Menu > Settings > Sugar Settings ). If you have site license, you will see ‘Yes’ in ‘Site license’ under the CRM version as shown below.

Site license refresh automatically. To refresh manually tap on overflow button , a menu weill show for an option to refresh the license.
Purchase from Mobile Store
To purchase from iOS/Android Store, from the drawer side menu, , go to Settings > Premium Features. he items you have purchased or subscribed are available when you change phone. You are entitled your purchases as long as you login with your account Google Play Store or App Store in your phone.
If your purchases are not available (it happens if you change your phone), you may manually restore purchase. To do that open App Drawer Menu to go to App Settings > Premium Features > By Product Item. In the Premium Features page, you will check your purchases.
The item you have purchased are indicate by trophies. Features available to you are highlighted.
To restore purchases, tap overflow menu on the top right and tap ‘Restore purchase’.
After the purchase, you can cancel subscription on Google Play for Android or Apple subscription for iOS.
Also notice that your active number of purchase items and its available features are also shown in toast message.
Each of your purchase has some entitlements. You may view your entitlements by tapping ‘Display entitlements’ in the overflow menu. Entitlements from both Site License and App Store are shown.